
How Do You Decorate A Tree With Ribbon

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Professionally with Ribbon

This easy, frustration-free guide will show y'all how to put ribbon on a Christmas tree then it looks like it was professionally decorated!

Getting the ribbon on your Christmas tree to expect but right can be is a lot of difficult work! You lot can spend hours trying to become the ribbon in the right place on the tree only to step dorsum and realize you take a hot mess on your hands.

For years, I struggled with getting the ribbon to look good on my Christmas tree.  However, last year I discovered a Christmas tree hack to brand your tree expect like it was washed by a professional.

In by years, I accept spent hours of my life figuring out how to wrap ribbon around a Christmas tree and then that it looks like the images of those designer copse on Pinterest.  I never got the hang of information technology until I found the easiest way to brand the ribbon await like it was cascading downwardly the tree.

final reveal for putting ribbon on christmas tree tutorial

This piece of cake step-past-pace tutorial shows you how to add ribbon to a Christmas tree and information technology's a peachy alternative to more than traditional methods that take a long time. However, with this method of…. you will become the aforementioned wait without taking much time and spending less coin.

I'll show you this method on my own Christmas tree and include the aforementioned unproblematic steps on a video tutorial as well! Whether yous are after a traditional look or something more modern, putting on a Christmas tree no longer has to be the almost cringe-worthy part of Christmas decorating!

Let ME Testify You lot:

  • The easiest way to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon
  • How to select a colour palette for your tree
  • How to put ribbon on Christmas trees of all sizes using less ribbon to save you money
  • Encouragement when information technology seems similar your life is out of control in this week's Renovate Your Faith devotional at the finish of this post

(As an Amazon chapter I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my full disclosure HERE I only use affiliate links for products I utilise and dear).

How to Add Ribbon to a Christmas Tree

This pace-by-step tutorial is as well on video so you can see exactly how to arrange the ribbon on your own tree. If you don't meet the video popular-up, look for the embedded version at the finish of this post or click here: How To Put Ribbon on a Christmas Tree, YouTube Video Likewise, don't forget to get your costless printable on how to update the look of your tree without getting all new decor: The EASIEST Way to Flock a Christmas Tree!

Supplies Needed to Decorate a Christmas Tree with Ribbon

Pace 1 – How To Decorate a Christmas Tree with Ribbon Vertically

Earlier nosotros starting adding ribbon it's of import to accept a few minutes to programme out what we want our tree to look like.  Too, using the right blazon of ribbon volition make this process and then much easier!

What is the Best Type of Ribbon When Putting Ribbon on Christmas Trees?

A great thing about this process is that it is versatile. You lot can use different ribbons of various sizes and materials although wired ribbon is past far the easiest to utilise. Although I've tried different techniques to put ribbon on a tree, this is my favorite fashion because it takes less fourth dimension and is more unproblematic.

How Wide Should Christmas Tree Ribbon Be?

Although you can apply dissimilar types of ribbon, the ribbon width is important. Utilise Christmas ribbon that is at least ii inches wide and up to 4 inches broad.

This year I used three kinds of ribbon of different widths for my 7.5 pes tree ranging from 2.five to three.75 inches. Note: Mesh ribbon or loose burlap can be much wider considering in most cases you will double it over or "scrunch" it some.

Ideas for Combining Different Textures and Styles of Ribbon

At present that you know the right size of wired ribbon, in that location are lots of fun ways to go ideas for the different types and colors of ribbon on your tree to get the look y'all want! Yous can observe lots of pretty ribbon combinations on Instagram or Pinterest to give you a jumping-off point for your color palette: Christmas Tree Ribbon Decoration Ideas

Remember that you'll go the greatest impact by mixing different colors of ribbon that coordinate only are not super close in shade. For example, 2 shades of red ribbon on a tree won't expect great simply cherry-red and greenish ribbons and different but they coordinate!

final reveal after adding ribbon to a christmas tree

To become more ideas for decorating with turquoise and ruby, click hither: Red and Turquoise Christmas Decor Ideas On A Budget

Where to Purchase Wired Ribbon to Decorate Your Christmas Tree

Be sure to apply a wired ribbon for your tree as the wired edge allows the ribbon to be bent easily and tucked into the tree without readjusting later, which will brand a huge deviation in helping the loops to stay in place. Remember not to use sparse ribbon as it is harder to loop and won't brand a large impact visually.

Below are bang-up prices on different types of ribbon. 2 popular alternatives to satin wired ribbon are mesh and burlap as it's fun to mix textures to add visual interest to your beautiful tree.

You can find wired ribbon that is reasonably priced at Hobby Entrance hall or any other local craft stores. I like to use Amazon for depression-cost wire ribbon:

Solid Christmas Ribbon on Amazon

Burlap Ribbon on Amazon

Buffalo Plaid Ribbon on Amazon

Mesh Ribbon on Amazon (you tin fold information technology over lengthwise)

pin of easy hacks for decorating a christmas tree professionally

What is the Correct Society When Putting Ribbon on A Christmas Tree?

Later on y'all have put upwards your tree and it's on a practiced base, it's fourth dimension to decorate! If you have an bogus Christmas tree, y'all can spread out the tree branches to make full any large gaps. I love the await of a total tree so I similar to add together some extra thickness to cover whatsoever blank spots. I do this past calculation a roll of green garland in between the rows of branches and you tin see pictures and instructions on the best guild to decorate a tree here: How to Decorate a Christmas Tree, Pace-past-Step

One yr I decided I wanted a flocked tree. For a lightly flocked expect, I like to use this spray: Tree Flocking Spray on Amazon. The next step is to add the Christmas tree lights, and although my tree came prelit, I like to add additional strings of Christmas lights every bit shown in the link in a higher place.

Do yous put ribbon or ornaments on the tree starting time?I like to add ribbon to the tree afterward adding the lights and before calculation ornaments.  Every beautiful Christmas tree has lots of ornaments so we will fill in with large and smaller ornaments around the ribbon loops.

christmas decor with red and turquoise

Step 2 – How to Put Ribbon Strips On A Christmas Tree

When adding ribbon to a Christmas tree, tutorials often tell y'all to use one long piece of ribbon that weaves in and out of the tree. Others might instruct you to use a few longer strips.

But the accented Best tip I can give you when adding ribbon to a Christmas tree is to avoid working with one long slice of ribbon.  Long pieces are difficult to work with and in trying to prepare one section of ribbon, you can easily pull some other section too tight.

So, you know that cute wired ribbon you just bought for your tree?  Our first footstep is to cut it upward in lots of smaller pieces.  But don't worry, it's going to exist worth it and oh so pretty!  Also, I save my cut pieces of ribbon by re-rolling them on the spool from year to year.

pin on easy ways to decorate a tree with ribbon

Start with the ribbon you want to see most of on the tree.  I really similar the expect of my crimson and white striped ribbon and so I added it offset.  Cutting a few three-foot strips at a fourth dimension. (Don't cut up the whole spool until you are sure of the lengths yous need for the size of your tufts.) I used shorter lengths of ribbon towards the top and slightly longer strips of ribbon on the lesser of the tree.

For my 7.v pes tree, ane three-pes strip is going to equal two swoops or waves.  You'll start with the cease of the ribbon and just tuck it into the tree. Come down at an angle and tuck the middle part into the tree.  Now come out over again for your 2nd dive and so constrict the end back into the tree.

Now, imagine where that next ribbon strip would go if it was one long piece. Add your 2d piece of ribbon and continue the procedure.

You want the ribbon "swoops" to be loose, never pulling tight against the branches in direct lines.  I like to imagine those trivial birds from Snow White decorating the tree by flight in and out the branches with 1 long slice of ribbon.  Okay, maybe I'grand the simply person that visualizes that.

But regardless, you want to simulate the look of i very long pieces of ribbon winding in and out of the tree.  That is super easy to achieve with this method!

Also, information technology helps to accept your ribbon coming down the tree in an angle.  It doesn't matter if it's coming downwards to the left or correct but y'all don't want it completely horizontal or straight vertical.

The main rule of thumb to remember is that you don't need to get the ribbon perfect at this bespeak. You'll have an opportunity to get every loop how y'all want it in the end. The goal at present is but to become the cutting ribbon strips on the tree.

Notation: Some tutorials say to use green pipe cleaners to attach the ribbon to the tree branches but I don't feel it's necessary, especially with using the wire ribbon.

Footstep 3 – How to Add together Ribbon To A Christmas Tree From Top to Bottom

Become from the height of the tree to the bottom doing the same with each strip until you accept some even distribution of that ribbon color through the tree like this. Keep adding strips to the back of the tree but don't waste your fourth dimension if the back tin't be seen by others.

Now, go through the tree with the second color of ribbon every bit I did with the white snowflake ribbon here.

As you lot are adding the ribbon, this is non the bespeak that you desire to exist a perfectionist.  We will accept an opportunity to get more than detailed afterward. For now, just get it on the tree!

Hither is my third and terminal layer of turquoise ribbon.

Step four – Finishing Touches To Get the Look of Cascading Ribbon on a Christmas Tree

At this bespeak, you should take all of your ribbon colors filling space on the entire tree without crossing over ane another. Now, take a step back and touch upward your ribbon past pulling out any loops that are as well tight or even making your bow expect like it is connected to the ribbon in the tree. You can adjust your ribbon loops a little bit but also remember that nosotros will exist filling in with ornaments which will brand the look of your tree more cohesive.

When you get your ribbon exactly how you want it, start by adding larger ornaments first. This is where you can be strategic to cover whatever places where the ribbon strips cease or begin making it look similar the ribbon cascades behind the ornaments.

I added big snowflakes to my tree too or you can add together large bows. If your ribbon is really bright, consider adding in some metallic ornaments if you are concerned about too much color.

Later on adding larger ornaments, I like to put special ornaments in the middle of the tree so they are more visible. Put the biggest ornaments at the bottom of the tree, specially if they are heavy. You can put small ornaments at the top of the tree or at the tips of branches.

Finally, add a tree skirt to the foot of the tree and you are done decorating!

Christmas tree decorated with easy ribbon tutorial with presents

How to Brand a Christmas Tree Ribbon Topper

Of all the tree toppers, I like the ones that await like they are continued to the ribbon already in the tree.  For this bow, I used my super simple trick to make bows the like shooting fish in a barrel way every bit I did hither.

Bows for the top of your Christmas tree don't have to be hard to make with some of the shortcuts I take in the link above. You can too adjust the size of your bow hands by changing the size of your ribbon loops. I also give tips on how to attach your ribbon bow to the peak branch.

Christmas decor in red, turquoise and white


As I marveled at the finished tree, I couldn't aid just notice how the ribbon seemed to weave in and out in one intricate pathway that I couldn't clearly comprehend. Each loop seemed to twist and turn unpredictably through the branches, only to disappear and then peer out again in some other part of the tree.

Something most this was then familiar.  I loved the perceived intricacy of the ribbon, and although I didn't weave the ribbon in one long strand through the tree, I loved the consistency and fluidity. For this tree was some of my own handiwork and it brought me cracking satisfaction and joy.

In the aforementioned way, we are God'due south handiwork created in Christ Jesus to benefit works, which God prepared in advance for the states to practice (Ephesians two:10)

He intricately weaves the events of our lives together as an ornate masterpiece.We are His creation and our lives are delicately woven inside the rhythms of His will.

Life often feels perilous, snaking in directions that seem haphazard or unfamiliar.  But He knows the purpose of every turn, twist and curve.Along the manner, He is there to give united states of america support, strength and constant assurance like the eternal branches of a potent evergreen.  Equally we follow the path of His will, we can rest in knowing that there is e'er an inherent continuity of His will and provision.

He has created you with an intricate purpose.  May our lives shine brightly with the radiance of Him, proclaiming His handiwork in our lives.

For you lot created my inmost being; you lot knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise yous because I am fearfully and wonderfully fabricated; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13,14

FAQ's: How to Put Ribbon on a Christmas Tree

How practise you fluff a fake Christmas tree similar a pro?

If you have an artificial tree, simply start from the bottom pulling the whole co-operative down and fanning out each smaller co-operative. You want to spread them out as far every bit they volition go in an endeavor to fill up any big gaps. If your tree still isn't full enough, wrap some green Christmas garland around it to fill in like I do here: How Do You Brand Your Christmas Tree Look Fuller?

How to Put Ribbon On A Pencil Christmas Tree

If y'all are wondering how to put ribbon on a Christmas tree that is very skinny, you follow the same process to a higher place but you volition have the ribbon coming down at a picayune less of an angle. You don't want information technology to come down completely vertically but only on more of a slant.

Practise you Put Ribbon On A Tree Before Ornaments?

I like to put the lights, the topper, and so the ribbon and the ornaments last. To run across the full process, click here: How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Step-by-Step

How much ribbon practice you need to decorate a Christmas tree?

For my 7.5″ tree I used 4 rolls of each colour ribbon and ended up taking two or 3 back. Since it'south hard to gauge how much y'all will demand, programme on getting extra and saving your receipt for returns. It too gives you another excuse to go into Hobby Entrance hall!

How to Put Ribbon on Christmas Trees of Different Sizes

You can apply this technique on any mode of Christmas tree. The small the iii, the smaller ribbon width y'all should use. If you use a 3-inch ribbon on a 3-foot tree, y'all're going to run out of space really fast. So, you 1″ wired ribbon on small copse. If yous can't find a wired ribbon that width, this technique still works really well with regular ribbon. Try adding in different textures of ribbon like grosgrain to make your tree more interesting.

You lot can also run into how to make a super cute Christmas sign on a budget by clicking here: DIY Letter of the alphabet to Santa Sign

diy letter to santa sign

More Tips on How to Decorate a Christmas Tree With Ribbon

Be sure to cheque out my post here on how to decorate a tree!  Information technology's a step-by-step tutorial with lots of tips and tricks on how to arrange the lights, how to make the tree look fuller, and even how to pick your color scheme.  Also, be sure to click here to run across the rest of my aqua and red Christmas decorations.

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close up of ornaments on tree and presents undertneath

Last Thoughts on How to Put Ribbon On a Tree

The Christmas flavour can be stressful so putting up your holiday decorations shouldn't take more time than it needs to. Since the Christmas tree is most oftentimes the focal point of your holiday decor, information technology's important to brand the procedure as unproblematic every bit possible! With these easy steps, you can make your own tree expect like a designer Christmas tree without all the time and endeavour. This is such a simple way to become your Christmas Tree to look exactly how yous envisioned. Not merely is this process fast just you lot can also save coin as it doesn't use as much ribbon as the traditional fashion. When it comes time to take your tree, make sure to roll upwards the strips of ribbon so you can have the perfect tree once again for next yr!

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How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Professionally With Ribbon


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